Write for us

Welcome to howmuchweighs, we offer a robust platform for insightful contributors like you.

Before you dive into content creation, please familiarize yourself with our submission criteria below.

What Kind of Content Do We Welcome?

Your articles must be aligned with the home improvement, automotive, fashion, pet etc.

Editorial Guidelines:

  • Your content should be unique and original. No duplicate submissions, please.
  • Articles should have a minimum word count of 2,000.
  • Aim for simplicity and readability to keep the audience engaged. Your post should be both informative and actionable.
  • The tone should remain upbeat, conversational, and inspiring throughout the content.
  • Organize your content logically, incorporating various subheadings for better readability.
  • Conclude your article with a summary section, labeled “Conclusion” or “Wrapping Up.”
  • If your article includes statistics, support them with linked sources. You can include up to 2-3 external links and a single backlink to your website within the article. Overly self-promotional or spammy content will be edited at our discretion.
  • If your submission includes images, send them via email as high-quality attachments.
  • Submit your content in a Google Doc with editing access enabled.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Previously published or duplicated content will not be accepted.
  • Articles aimed solely at self-promotion or search engine optimization will not be considered.
  • Although we don’t publish brand-promotion articles, we’re happy to include an Author Bio, complete with links to your website and social media profiles. Keep your bio concise, not exceeding 2-3 sentences.
  • Please submit one article at a time. Once an article is published, you are welcome to submit another.

What’s in it for You?

  • Your content will be exposed to thousands of targeted readers.
  • We offer a rich platform for you to articulate your thoughts and ideas.

Note: All submissions undergo a review process. We reserve the right to accept or decline any content for any reason.

Here you can contact with us: hello@howmuchweighs.com

Thank you for considering Howmuchweighs, as your content collaboration partner. We look forward to seeing what you’ve got!